Ideas and Inspiration

When creating my little space on the internet, it was important that – in addition to sharing myself – I could help equip you with some tools you might need to ready yourself for any opportunity that comes along. Part of this is helping us broaden our perspectives, so we can see all the possibilities when they make themselves known.

Throughout my life, the more I let scripture shape my heart, the more broadly I can see the fullness of life’s circumstances. The goal then is a never-ending pursuit of a wider perspective that more closely resembles God’s point-of-view. So, I created this space to share, but also to listen. I hope these thoughts and letters – full of my ideas, dreams, fears and aspirations – will help you feel inspired to express your own in some way, whether it’s through a comment, email, handwritten letter, or a conversation with a friend.

I invite you to explore some of my recent thought-pieces below. I hope you’ll stick around and even come back for more. I’ll be adding to this page as the inspiration hits!

Featured image for “Training to Failure”

Training to Failure

One Monday at my gym, the trainers were talking about training “to failure,” a concept with which I’m familiar, but the irony in the terminology really hit me as they joked about a contest one witnessed over the weekend where a guy bench pressed 650 pounds and squatted 800 pounds!
Featured image for “A Healthy Supply (Chain) of Ideas for You”

A Healthy Supply (Chain) of Ideas for You

In an attempt to maintain the joy of seasonal to-do’s, I came up with a new way of thinking about gift-giving that I think could be helpful. Holiday shopping feels even a little more tenuous with all we’re hearing about the current supply chain debacle. So, this year, I’m practicing a considered shift in mindset, trying to find ways to overcome the added layer of stress, while also shopping locally and supporting my community!
Featured image for “The Millennial Side Hustle”

The Millennial Side Hustle

Kevin and I bought our first house before we turned 25, but evidently that’s rarer these days as fewer millennials than their parents own homes at the same age their parents purchased. A primary cause of not making the down payment seems to be reducing debt, whether from student loans or from overspending on credit.
Featured image for “A Rush To Connect”

A Rush To Connect

Did you happen to hear the chatter about sorority recruitment this year? I don’t think I’ve heard this much about it since my daughter went through it herself a couple of years ago. While we can thank TikTok for popularizing this type of content online, I also believe there’s a bigger reason we’ve been paying so much attention to it.
Featured image for “Fact checking. Truth telling. Peace giving.”

Fact checking. Truth telling. Peace giving.

You’ll often see me posting scripture verses alongside some of my own experiences and commentary. That’s because I believe that God’s Word is the only Truth on which we can base a life of freedom, peace, and joy.
Featured image for “Mood, Mindset and Matters of the Heart”

Mood, Mindset and Matters of the Heart

Don’t you wish there were a better answer to the question “How are you?” “I’m fine” pops out of our mouths far too mechanically because how do you really describe the fact that, at any given moment, we’re all a mix of delight and despair?
Featured image for “The Day I Became an Entrepreneur”

The Day I Became an Entrepreneur

“An entrepreneur,” says Michael Hyatt, “is someone who sees a problem and risks time, money, reputation or some other asset to deliver a solution for a gain.” Well, I’d been delivering solutions to problems for a long time.
Featured image for “To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow”

To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow

I can just FEEL the hope when I read this quote! Nine little words with such deep implications. If they don’t stop you in your tracks, slow down a minute and soak in the word picture. Can you feel it now? Kind of a “wow” moment, don’t you think?  
Featured image for “Beautiful Things Take Time”

Beautiful Things Take Time

I’ve patiently waited for goodies to come out of the oven … patiently waited at red lights and through traffic jams … patiently waited to get my first real job … patiently waited to be pregnant … patiently waited to make “home” more homey, after living through transient season upon season of baseball … patiently waited as teammates get “ready” …
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Featured image for “Focus on the Best”

Focus on the Best

Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 It’s easy for me to see the best in people or give the benefit of the doubt. In fact, my poor husband suffers because I can even see the best in someone with whom he has issue, i.e., I see “their” …
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