Ideas and Inspiration

When creating my little space on the internet, it was important that – in addition to sharing myself – I could help equip you with some tools you might need to ready yourself for any opportunity that comes along. Part of this is helping us broaden our perspectives, so we can see all the possibilities when they make themselves known.

Throughout my life, the more I let scripture shape my heart, the more broadly I can see the fullness of life’s circumstances. The goal then is a never-ending pursuit of a wider perspective that more closely resembles God’s point-of-view. So, I created this space to share, but also to listen. I hope these thoughts and letters – full of my ideas, dreams, fears and aspirations – will help you feel inspired to express your own in some way, whether it’s through a comment, email, handwritten letter, or a conversation with a friend.

I invite you to explore some of my recent thought-pieces below. I hope you’ll stick around and even come back for more. I’ll be adding to this page as the inspiration hits!

Featured image for “My Self-Care Gift Guide”

My Self-Care Gift Guide

Christmas is just around the corner, and this year, the gift of self-care is the best thing you can give—at least in my book! Enjoy some of my favorites of the season and treat someone you love (or maybe even yourself) with these gifts that keep on giving.
Featured image for “Inside Baseball”

Inside Baseball

My company is about to enter a new era in business development, and I’ve been pretty nostalgic lately thinking back through all the memories and milestones along the way. As a result, I was inspired to share with you something I usually don’t stop to tell everyone.
Featured image for “Rejoicing in Life’s Layers”

Rejoicing in Life’s Layers

It’s Sunday night. Just Hammer and me at home. I’ve got some work to catch up on from last week, and I’ll feel better if I get it done tonight. This is a picture of my desk right now, and I wanted to share because it’s a pretty good representation of my life at the moment. It looks like utter chaos – lots of layers to peel away, and yet a bouquet I bought myself from the farmers’ market yesterday (in my grandmother’s milk glass vase).
Featured image for “Surrender Makes You Stronger”

Surrender Makes You Stronger

Surrendering myself to sales professionals is something I had to learn to do.
Featured image for “Red Bike, Blue Bike”

Red Bike, Blue Bike

The other day, while walking, Hammer and I ran into our neighbor Scarlet riding her “red bike.” Now, unless you know that her previous bike was blue, had approximate 12” wheels, and had no pedals, you wouldn’t appreciate all the contrasts built into the gravitas of her announcement. Not everyone is going to get their heart’s desire every time. 
Featured image for “Missed Opportunity”

Missed Opportunity

There’s only one CEO. A handful of partners. A certain number of spots on the team, seats of admission, or scholarships offered. Not everyone is going to get their heart’s desire every time. 
Featured image for “5 Ways To Be Ready for Opportunity”

5 Ways To Be Ready for Opportunity

I believe our greatest dreams and desires will be lived out in Heaven. In the meantime, though, how can we live lives that will prepare us for chances to enhance our skills, our wisdom and even our joy?
Featured image for “Love Made the First Move”

Love Made the First Move

I can just FEEL the hope when I read this quote! Nine little words with such deep implications. If they don’t stop you in your tracks, slow down a minute and soak in the word picture. Can you feel it now? Kind of a “wow” moment, don’t you think?  
Featured image for “Power to Empower”

Power to Empower

When I was 5 years old, I learned how to read a map in the backseat of a car just like this. My mom’s beloved yellow Cougar. We had just moved from Charlotte, N.C., to St. Petersburg, Fla., and she was navigating herself and two kids through unfamiliar streets trying to set up our new life.  
Featured image for “Awaiting the Arrival”

Awaiting the Arrival

When my first child was away at college, I couldn’t help but realize that my physical arms were no longer long enough to reach out for a hug–or a squeeeeze, as we call them–you have to grit your teeth and crinkle your eyes when you say it.