In every human soul, there is a God-given awareness that “something more” awaits.
A lot of corporate careers require working long hours and leaving your true personality at home to meet the company’s goals, inevitably creating waves of unfulfillment that leave us longing. Through my team of talented skincare consultants, I’ve seen how intentionally nurturing a culture of authenticity within a flexible business model allows us all to thrive.
I’ve always appreciated the level playing field that direct sales offers. Once you realize the magic of the business model, you understand that advantages don’t come from certain personality traits, but from all personality traits. We all have life experiences that make us valuable in supporting and serving others. We’re just not used to bringing so much of ourselves into “work.”
As you let me in on your story, sharing dreams, fears and wide-eyed goals, my superpower comes alive, pointing out all the ways you are perfectly positioned to maximize all the opportunities in your path. Best of all, you’ll join a community of talented women ready to cheer you on.
When you join my team, you’ll realize my desire to be in your corner instead of in the spotlight. I want you to feel empowered to be your authentic self and never compromise what makes you YOU. I hope you’ll consider choosing me as your sponsor.


Networking marketing leaders and podcasters Janine Finney and Laura Evans gain insights from Elizabeth on network marketing as an introvert.